Back to School – Prize Box Ideas

Create a stationery prize box for pupils to encourage engagement, reward positive behaviour, and make learning more fun. Here are some stationery reward ideas that students might love: 

  1. Stickers: Fun and motivational stickers can be used to decorate notebooks, folders, and assignments.
  2. Mini Notepads: Different types of notebooks or journals with appealing designs can inspire students to write, doodle, or keep track of their thoughts.
  3. Erasers and Pencil Toppers: Unique erasers and pencil toppers in various shapes and colors can add a playful touch to pencils and make correcting mistakes more enjoyable.
  4. Pencils: Pencils with cool designs, patterns, or motivational quotes can add a fun twist to everyday writing tasks.
  5. Sharpeners: Pencil sharpeners that come in fun shapes and colours can be both practical and appealing.
  6. Bookmarks: Decorative bookmarks featuring characters, animals, or inspiring quotes can encourage reading and organization.
  7. Reward Certificates: Along with stationery, consider adding certificates or small prizes for academic achievements, good behavior, or positive contributions.

Prize Pack Ideas

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